About Caring Nurses Staffing Agency

The Company
Caring Nurses Staffing Agency LLC was started by a Registered Nurse in New Boston, New Hampshire. The owner, Karen O’Donnell RN, BSN, CAPA, CEN created the company because she recognized the need for compassionate, experienced nursing professionals in her local area. Karen created a business model for her company to focus on personalizing the agency to meet the needs of both her nursing staff as well as the facility needs. This Holistic approach to business is unique to the staffing industry!

Since 2012
Karen has expanded her staffing to include contracts in Maine, Massachusetts and Vermont. She personally selects her staff, striving for quality, caring and reliable nurses who maintain true professionalism in nursing! Her quick response and thorough assessment of each contract make this business model succeed!

Owner, Karen O’Donnell RN, BSN, CAPA, CEN

Our Growth
The individualized approach to this healthcare industry is the reason that this agency has grown exponentially with no end in sight!
The nursing staff is dependable, loyal and proud of their experience. Their compassionate care and reliability provide comfort those facilities and businesses that struggle with their staffing. The seamless integration of our staff with the nurses of the facilities allows for better patient continuity of care! Our nurses are the best at taking care of your patients!

Stella Beaulieu, LPN
“Take Care of People as if they were Your Family”
Since the 1800’s when Florence Nightingale first introduced the world to the career of “Nursing” one thing that hasn’t changed is our human need to be cared for! Why is this? It is my opinion that the reason is because we are vulnerable and out of control when we are sick or injured. We are in pain and outside of our comfort zone, relinquishing control to strangers to take care of our needs. Once we don the ever stylish “johnnie” we give control of our body and mind to the unknown. We fear what is happening and just want someone to make it better. We trust that those individuals who are at our bedside can do the job, and do it well!
When I was a girl, my grandmother, Stella Beaulieu ( pictured above ) was the person who first taught me how to take care of someone. As an Licensed Practical Nurse she worked at a local nursing home as well as cared for her bedridden aunt. She nurtured my curiosity for a healthcare career and showed me different procedures and techniques. Her influence as well as a desire to help others cemented my career in nursing.
I graduated from nursing school in 1993. I was focused and driven, as most new graduates are, but I always remembered why I was in this career, to care for others. I started working with rehabilitation patients until I was able to get a job with cancer patients. I found it very rewarding to care for this population and assist families through treatments and sometimes the dying process. After three years I decided to pursue emergency nursing. The challenges I faced everyday were so rewarding for me! To help people when they were in crisis and emergent situations taught me to be flexible and to prioritize care from the sickest patient to less acute conditions.
As time progressed I felt that I wanted to branch out and become my own boss. I tried a number of ventures but never in nursing. I couldn’t find the right fit, until 2012. I found some information on how to start a nursing agency and became intrigued. I read some literature and researched my local area and found an incredible need for staffing of nurses, due to the ongoing nursing shortages. I also found that my nursing colleagues were eager to work extra hours and did not have per diem opportunities for employment.
Since starting my company in 2012, I have been able to take my nursing emergency experience and apply it to my business. Besides caring for my patients, I also manage caregivers and provide facilities the staffing that exemplifies my philosophy “take care of people as if they are your family”. My staff are experienced, compassionate, wonderful people and we are honored to be able to care for others.